Buyer Gifting and Add on Information

The Co-vid 19 pandemic has thrust our community into unknown territory. These are challenging times for all of us; and hope that you are staying safe and healthy.  Paulding County Area Foundation is doing everything possible to continue to provide services to our community.  Now more than ever, our communities need us, and we need you.

Right now, the youth of our county are struggling with a passionate and difficult decision by the Fair Board to cancel Paulding County Fair 2020.  The highlight and finale of fair week of the youth involved in 4-H and FFA is the livestock sale.

In past years, your business has been supportive on sale day. Would you consider supporting the Paulding County 4-H and FFA youth again this year?  Your support will make an impact on these kids whose fair week has been turned upside down.

Your monetary donation will be handled in one of two ways: The first option is for you to indicate that your donation is to be consolidated with other gifts and distributed to the exhibitors who have completed their projects through a formula the livestock committee will use based on the length of the completed project.  The second option will be for you to indicate which youth you would like to contribute to financially by utilizing the attached listing and completing the attached form.

We thank you in advance for your continued support!  Your donation will be greatly appreciated by all youth involved in 4-H and FFA especially this year as we all struggle with the “new” norm.

You can send a check written to Paulding County Area Foundation with Livestock Sale Fund in the memo line to the address listed below.

Please feel free to call me with any questions.


Lisa McClure

Executive Director

101 E. Perry Street

Paulding, OH  45879
